The first raffle was so much fun I’m leaving it up below this post, but I’ve got something new for you guys! All you have to do is be one of my subscribers by the date above. That’s it. It’s the easiest raffle entry ever! If you’re already subscribed, your entered. If you’re not a subscriber yet, click the link to subscribe!

This wasn’t painted by me. They’re out of paint your owns. This artist painted statue is up for raffle!
A picture of the dragon on my windowsill! It looked so sparkly and gorgeous in the sun, unfortunately my camera couldn’t capture it.😢

I am excited to announce that Her Sexy Beast (The Chimera Chronicles 6) releases very soon! It was supposed to release August 7th, but my editor at Soul Mate has allowed me to move it up! (Exact date coming later)

I purchased a Windstone editions editions dragon to paint to raffle off to my newsletter subscribers! Above is a video of after I finished the base coat. The “before” is posted on my facebook page. click here I’ll be adding color (and eyes😜) and bringing it with me to NYC for the RWA Literacy Autographing. All you have to do to enter is be one of my newsletter subscribers! I’ll be signing people up at the autographing as well as having copies of book six to sell for literacy! Or you can sign up here on my website or email me with your name and email and I’ll sign you up. The drawing will be held the week after RWA National. So watch this space!

Get my news and enter the raffle!

This dragon can be yours!
All newsletter subscribers will be entered!